Société : USAID

147 results found.

  • usaid1

    Study for Evaluation of Bilingual Curriculum of Basic Education in Mali

    REQUEST FOR QUOTATION No.: SOL-688-15-000004 – 00001 USAID/Mali is seeking a quotation to contract with three (03) local consultants to conduct a study for the Evaluation of Bilingual Curriculum of Basic Education in Mali. The three (03) consultants will work as a team under the supervision of a Team Leader (international consultant) to be contracted […]

  • usaid1

    Study on the impact of Crisis and Disaster in Mali’s Education sector/

    REQUEST FOR QUOTATION No.: SOL-688-15-000003 Subject: Mali- Education Conflict/Natural Disasters Risk Reduction Study To All potential offerors: USAID/Mali is seeking a quotation to contract with three (03) local consultants to conduct a study on the impact of Crisis and Disaster in Mali’s Education sector. The three (03) consultants will work as a team under the […]