Strategy Baseline Survey

30/08/2024 SOCIAL IMPACT
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Strategy Baseline Survey

SI Seeks Data Collection Firm in Mali

Click here to download the RFP file

Click here to download the Annex A

Questions and Answers

Project Background

Social Impact (SI) is a Washington, DC-area international development management consulting firm. SI’s mission is to improve the effectiveness of international development programs to improve people’s lives. SI provides a full range of management consulting, technical assistance, and training services to strengthen international development programs, organizations, and policies. SI provides services globally in monitoring and evaluation, strategic planning, project, and program design, organizational capacity building, and gender and social analysis. SI services crosscut all development sectors including democracy and governance, health and education, the environment, and economic growth. SI’s clients include US government agencies such as USAID, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the US Department of State; bilateral donors; multilateral development banks; foundations; and non-profits.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) /Mali Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Platform is a five-year activity awarded to Social Impact, Inc. (SI) to provide technical and advisory services to design and carry out various monitoring, evaluation, and learning activities for USAID/Mali. The contract has 3 major components.

  1. Third-Party Monitoring (TPM);
  2. Evaluation Services and Surveys; and
  3. Collaborating, Learning, and Adaptive Management and Communication Services.

Under Component 2, SI will conduct the USAID /Mali Strategy Baseline Survey that will be focus on household surveyed across USAID/Mali intervention areas in Mali. MEL Platform seeks the services of a Malian data collection firm to support the data collection at the field level.

Service Explanation

In specific terms, this survey will provide point estimates of key outcome indicators included in the Mali Mission’s Performance Management Plan (PMP). Key stakeholders for this survey’s results include USAID Mali, Department of State, Office for Resilience and Food Security (RFS), United States Government (USG) implementing partners, the government of Mali and other donors.

USAID’s CDCS will contribute to Malian efforts to advance a more stable, peaceful, and resilient country. USAID will pursue this goal through an integrated approach across several Development Objectives (DOs). DO1: improved governance for stronger democratic institutions; DO2: solidified and deepened development gains (health, education, economic) in targeted areas, and Special Objective (SpO): improved outcomes across the Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) nexus to save lives and increase resiliency. This strategic approach focuses on protecting and preserving prior development gains while enhancing collaboration and coordination across Humanitarian Assistance (HA) and Development Assistance (DA) investments to advance resiliency and stabilization.

The SBS will be conducted three times during the five-year period of the CDCS to monitor the evolution of relevant Development Objectives (DO) and IR indicators in locations where USAID implements its activities. More specifically, as mentioned in the Results Framework (RF) above, given that USAID implements its activities in different sectors, the survey will collect data for its Peace, Democracy and Governance (PDG) programs, Agriculture and Economic Growth programs. (AEG), Education programs (EDU), Health programs (HL), and Humanitarian Assistance Activities (HA) for indicators, including but not limited to those listed below:

  • 1.1.2: Percentage of households expressing confidence in their ability to improve their community.
  • 1.3.1: Percentage of households rating service quality as “very good” or “good” for services supported by the U.S. government.
  • 1.3.2: Percentage of households that access services supported by the U.S. government.
  • 3.2.1: Percentage of U.S. government-supported households that report being able to provide for their household needs.
  • 3.2.2: Index of household capacity to recover from shocks and stresses.
  • 3.3.1: Household adaptive capacity index.
  • 3.3.2: Household absorptive capacity index.
  • 3.3.3: Transformative capacity index of households.

SI requests that all bidders examine the specific requirements contained in this Request for Proposals (RFP) and prepare responses pursuant to the terms of this RFP. All questions related to the RFP are to be submitted by August 16, 2024 (5:00 PM EDT). The deadline to submit proposals is August 30, 2024 (5:00 PM EDT). Please refer to the RFP for a detailed documentation of project background and scope of work.

Points of Contact

  1. Joe Amick,
  2. Lassine Diarra,
  3. Abigail Price,

Click here to download the RFP file

Click here to download the Annex A

Questions and Answers

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