Ingénieur de Mines Production

L’offre a expiré.

La SAER-EMPLOI : Cabinet spécialisé dans le recrutement et conseil en ressources humaines, recrute pour le compte de la société des Mines de Komana (SMK-S.A): Ingénieur de Mines Production 

Position: Mine Engineer – Production
Reports to: Chief Mine Engineer
Department: Mining
Job Grade: 
Location: Yanfolila, Mali


Principal Job Objectives: This role is responsible for managing the Mining Contractor’s operations on a day to day basis, ensuring that production targets are met within budget whilst achieving the objectives of a Zero Accident Workplace.
Duties & Responsibilities:
  • To work under the direction of the Chief Mine Engineer to ensure the interests of the Company are upheld during the execution of mining contract at Yanfolila Mine.
  • Take over the Chief Mine Engineer’s duties during his absence
  • To undertake daily, weekly and monthly operational planning activities in order to achieve the annual budget requirements, and direct the activities of the contractor to ensure that the plan is achieved.
  • To monitor the work of the mining contractor on a daily basis to ensure that works are carried out in line with contractual requirements and the Company’s safety standards.
  • To ensure that all production resources are utilized at their optimum.
  • Check dockets for all work done by the Contractor outside the contract and prepare documents for the Mine Manager’s approval.
  • Develop, maintain and implement procedures which ensure compliance with all Company policies and legislation relating to safety, work practices and environmental management.
  • Promote health and safety in the workplace and a safe and clean work environment.
  • Compliance with all statutory regulations and procedures.
  • Compliance with all the Company’s Policies and Procedures.
  • Preparation of monthly production targets of tonnes and grades of ore and tonnes of waste and monitors and reports actual results against forecasts.
  • Preparation of monthly reports and updates as required.
  • Supervise ROM pad development and stability, waste rock facility development and stability and pit wall stability.
  • Provide co-ordination of open pit grade control operations and survey functions to ensure the achievement of planned head grades and tonnes.
  • Provide direction to the Mining Contractor and training to operations personnel and liaison with other departments to establish and maintain an effective team operation.
  • Hold and chair daily production and weekly planning meetings with the mining contractor and support staff in order to ensure the orderly operation of the open pit operation.
  • Attend operations meetings as scheduled by the Mine Manager.
Knowledge / Skills
& Competencies:
  • Knowledge of selective open pit mining techniques and the equipment employed.
  • Knowledge of Mining and Explosive Regulations.
  • Good inter-personal and leadership skills.
  • Sound judgement and analytical skills.
  • Task and results driven
Training / Education requirements:
  • Must have a formal tertiary qualification in Mining Engineering, Civil, or related discipline, or alternatively, extensive work experience in this position.
Experience required:
  • A minimum of 10 years experience in open pit mining operations.
  • Good understanding of mining processes.
  • Have a Drivers License.
  • Computer literacy (Word Processing, Spreadsheet) & Mining software.
  • Good understanding of operability of earth moving equipment and maintenance.
Language requirement:
  • French (Fluent), English (High to Fluent), Bambara (Fluent)


  • Une demande pour l’emploi adressée au Surintendant des Ressources Humaines SMK
  • Un CV détaillé,
  • Une lettre de motivation,
  • Les copies certifiées des diplômes, attestations et/ou certificats de travail,
  • Une pièce d’identité en cours de validité.

À la porte d’entrée de la Société des Mines de Komana – SMK S.A, ou à l’adresse e-mail suivante : au plus tard, le 05 Avril 2020 à 16 h 00.

NB: Seuls les candidats présélectionnés seront contactés pour des tests et interviews.

  • Apply before 05/04/2020
  • Applications have closed
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