Project Coordinator

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Titre: Project Coordinator for “Regreening Africa” in Mali
Location: Bamako
Grade: C2

About Oxfam Mali

Oxfam in Mali works to implement its vision for a peaceful Mali, where inequalities and social injustices are reduced, so that women, men, girls and boys exercise and fully enjoy their rights.

To achieve this vision three Strategic Objectives are defined:

  • The Resilience of sustainable communities and livelihoods;
  • Good Governance, Peace and citizen participation;
  • Access to basic social services.

Moreover, at the heart of the Oxfam in Mali’s Country Strategy, there is Influence, Advocacy and Gender Equity for reducing Communities’ vulnerability to Internal and External Shocks and the Injustice of Poverty. Our programs will help reduce the economic marginalization of women and promote their full participation in Mali’s development


Oxfam is an international humanitarian and development organization that aim to end poverty, hunger and injustice around the world. The confederation of Oxfam is made of 25 members that works in more than 90 countries around the world with local partner organizations to help poor people identify and eliminate the root causes of poverty.

In 2017 Oxfam and World Agroforesty Centre (ICRAF) build a partnership around a project to Reverse Land Degradation in Africa by Scaling-up Evergreen Agriculture Project—herein called ‘’Regreening Africa’’ the Project—is a five-year initiative (2017 to 2022) funded by the European Commission, with additional financial contributions from its participating implementing agencies. These implementing agencies include the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), World Vision, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), and Oxfam.

Overall objective(s): Improve livelihoods, food security and resilience to climate change by smallholder farmers in Africa and restore ecosystem services, particularly through evergreen agriculture.

The project has 3 main objectives:

Enhanced national ability of the selected 8 partner countries to assess economic costs of land degradation and enhanced awareness the economic benefits of investment in SLM.

Equip 8 countries with surveillance and analytic tools on land degradation dynamics, including the social and economic dimensions, to support strategic decision-making and monitoring for the scaling-up of evergreen agriculture.

Support 8 countries in the accelerated scaling-up of evergreen agriculture by smallholder farmers, along with the development of agroforestry value chains.

In Mali, the project is implemented by a consortium of 4 partners CRS, World vision, Sahel Eco and Oxfam. The lead implementation partner is Oxfam in Mali.

Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities

  • As focal point of the lead organization he/she is responsible for:
  • Coordinate the partnership between the implementing organizations and Oxfam on the one hand, and Oxfam and ICRAF, and Oxfam an EU;
  • He is responsible for the Oxfam budget and gives the off sign for the allocation of funds to implementing partners
  • He works closely with National Oversight Consultation Committee (NOCC) and is responsible for enforcing NOCC and PMU observations and recommendations.
  • Develops the technical and strategic documents in collaboration with the field teams and ICRAF,
  • He is responsible for the smooth running of project activities in Mali, and reports to Oxfam and PMU,
  • It ensures the proper use of funds for project activities and ensures that the field is in working condition.
  • Have the project represented in national and international spaces to influence the adoption of the project approach,
  • Work in close collaboration with the EU focal point on the project
  • Research at the national or regional level of complementary funding opportunities for the project,
  • Produce semi-annual and annual reports to be submitted to ICRAF

Technical Skills, Experience & Knowledge

  • Having a University degree at least 10 years in fields related to the environment, agriculture or the social sciences;
  • Having a proven professional experience of at least 10 years in the monitoring and management of projects related to the environment, the sustainable management of natural resources and social and community development;
  • Having a solid experience of at least 5 years of the institutional landscape and the associative world active in the field of the environment;
  • Having an excellent organizational, relational and communication skills with governmental and non-governmental institutions;
  • Good knowledge of English both oral and written and fluent in French both oral and written with writing and synthesis skills;
  • Being able to work independently, travel frequently, meet deadlines and provide quality products in accordance with donor standards;
  • Fluency in office software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) and messaging.

More information: Regreening Africa – Project Coordinator.pdf (268.91 KB)

  • Postulez avant le 30/11/2018
  • Applications have closed
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