
Company to undertake a demand survey

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Company to undertake a demand survey

The World Bank (WB) is undertaking a technical assistance program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to support the growth and competitiveness of Mali in Agribusiness and ancillary services through the preparation of an agro industrial development strategy.
The purpose of the Demand Survey is to (a) determine if there is sufficient demand for the services of a special economic zone on identified sites in Mali – including existing industrial estates – especially among local investors; (b) determine the sectors for which there is demand in priority sites; (c) gather information that could be fed directly into a subsequent master plan and feasibility study (e.g., projected size of plots, requirements for electric power, waste water treatment, potable water, and other infrastructure and services, desired incentives including duty-free and other typical SEZ incentives); and (d) identify, among the companies surveyed, a specific group of companies to target for future investment promotion purposes.
The World Bank Group wishes to engage the services of a qualified Consultancy firm to provide expert advisory services on various aspects related to the development of such an approach (e.g. development of key sectors, economic diversification, rail, energy, roads, environment, social safety, etc.). These terms of reference relate to the Special Economic Zone (SEZ).
The firm should possess the following qualifications:
– Min of 5 years of experience with carrying out similar types of company surveys
– Previous experience with special economic zones desirable, but not necessary
– A team with sufficient management consulting experience to complete the task.
The surveyors should be completely fluent in French
The international firms interested by this expression of interest are strongly encouraged to work with the local firms, which are familiar with the local environment in Mali.
Please upload your expression of interest on the following website: www.econsult2int.worldbank.org selection # 1214600 by March 31, 2016.

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