
Medical supplies/


Medical supplies/

As part of the implementation of Round 10 of the Global Fund / Tuberculosis, Catholic Relief Services / Mali, an international NGO based in Bamako, is inviting suppliers and or wholesale distributors of health products to submit their bids for the procurement of:
 the medical imagery material for endoscopes / bronchial fibroscope  and X-Ray; DAO# MAL-013-G10-T-CRS-2013/02  and
Small medical equipment, reagents and other medical and laboratory supplies for Mali’s National Program to Fight Tuberculosis DAO# MAL-013-G10-T-CRS-2013/01 
Bidders interested in the full bidding package can obtain the complete bidding package for this invitation for bids from the CRS/Mali Program Office in Badalabougou Est, BP.  E3256, Rue 22, Porte 49, Bamako/ Phone + (223) 20 23 44 57
Sealed bids bearing the note « INVITATION FOR BIDS with the number of the relevant lot at the bottom of the envelope » must be received at the abovementioned address no later than:
16:00 am on January 02, 2014, for the DAO# MAL-013-G10-T-CRS-2013/02  and
11:30 am on January 17, 2014, for the DAO# MAL-013-G10-T-CRS-2013/01
NOTE: Bidders who want to may participate in the opening of the bids at:
2:00 pm on January 06, 2014, for the DAO# MAL-013-G10-T-CRS-2013/02  and
2:00 pm on January 21, 2014, for the DAO# MAL-013-G10-T-CRS-2013/01

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